Buzios Reading Yalorixá Mae Eja D’Oxum London



Mae Eja England Buzios Reading by WhatsApp: +00447751982130 (direct from England).

Email: maeejanaespiritualidade@gmail.com

Facebook: maeeja

YouTube Channel: @maeejanaespiritualidade


Spotify: maeejanaespiritualidade

Payment must be made in advance to schedule an appointment so that we can confirm the appointment. Note: Cancellation of a cowrie shell reading consultation will only be accepted 24 hours before. The amount paid will be credited to the same account where the payment was issued. Unjustified cancellations do not issue a full refund of the amount paid for the consultation, which will be reduced by 50% per cent. will be credited to the same account where the payment was made.

How does the Jogo de Búzios work? In Brazil, the Jogo de Búzios is practised by the Yalorixá (sacerdotal of religion) and our Babalorixa Candomblé temples. It is a divinatory art governed by Orixás. These influence the position where the shells fall and spread out on the table. This position will support the interpretation of the reading. Although there are many methods of playing, the most common is the one in which a set of 16 shells is thrown onto a table previously and adequately prepared by the Mãe or Pai de Santo. Before throwing the Búzios, the fortune teller prays and greets all the Orixás and during the throwing, talks to the deities and asks them questions. It is believed that the deities affect how the shells spread out on the table, thus providing answers to the questions that are put to them. Therefore, there is no recipe for how to play. However, the way the Jogo de Búzios works is related to the spiritual development of the person who will read the Jogo de Búzios. The work should only be done by those who have a strong spiritual connection and a connection with the Orixás. Do you know what macumba is? Check it out here on our blog! What is the Jogo de Búzios table like? There are several ways to prepare the Jogo de Búzios table, but the best known and most used is on a sieve, called urupema, and a string of beads, called erindilogun. Other elements that cannot be missing from a Jogo de Búzios table are the adjá, which is a bell; otá; a white candle; the threads of Oxalá and Oxum; water; coins; obi; beans; coconut of ifá; magnet; orobô; beans seeds. 16 main Odus the Odus are the signs of Ifá that represent all the sets of messages of each person’s destiny; they represent the paths. The 16 main Odus are Oxum – Oxê; Ogum and Ibeji – Ejioko; Exú – Okaran; Oxóssi, Logunedé and Xango – Obara; Oxalufan – Ofum; Omolu, Oxóssi and Oxalá – Odí; Oyá, Yewa and Yemanjá – Ossá; Obaluayê, Ogun – Etaogunda; Oyá, Ogum and Exú – Owarim; Yemanjá, Oyá – Iorosun; Ossain and Oxumaré – Iká; Xango, Obá, Iroko – Egilexebora Oxaguian – Egionilo; Nanã – Egioligibam; Ewa Eoobá, Ogum – Obeogundá All other funfun orishas, ​​Orixalá – Alafia. Are you having love conflicts and don’t know how to resolve them? See here the main questions about love binding. What is the purpose of the Cowrie Shell Game? One of the purposes of the Cowrie Shell Game is communication with our Orisha (Ori=Head + Ixá=guardian). In this way, the game is supported by our Guardian Angel (Orisha). He brings you revelations and guidance for solving problems that cross the spiritual, material, astral and even sentimental planes. All communication of the cowrie shells is done through the Orisha Exú. In addition to being a divinatory art, Cowrie Shells is the only game that allows you to discover if someone has done any spiritual work, spell or sympathy against you. In this way, under the guidance of the Orishas, ​​it can undo the spells. What to ask in a Cowrie Shell Divination? You are going to consult this oracle for the first time and you don’t know exactly what Cowrie Shell Divination is and how the Cowrie Shell Divination works.




Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 23 × 23 × 15 cm