

No prior knowledge is required to start this course

Recording (audio/video) and photographs are strictly forbidden

Location: Church of Candomble
Duration: 3 hours
A 15 minute break will be given

Dress code: Men must wear light coloured trousers, light coloured shirts (tracksuits are not permitted); women must wear long skirts, light in colour (see-through blouses are not permitted)

Traditional English tea will be served at the end of the course. A certificate stating you attended the course will be issued.

The course will be held in Portuguese or English, depending on the class.
Limited spaces.

Definition of Candomble (Beginner level)


  • Angola Nation (the history)
  • Candomble Angola in England (Mae Eja’s history)
  • How the orixas arrived in England
  • The orixas and their history (general)
  • Learn more about the 16 orixas (worshipped by Candomble Angola)
  • The entities of Candomble
  • How the orixas work day to day, their names, weekly calendar and monthly calendar
  • Bead necklaces (colours)
  • What is a Babalorixa, Yalorixa and Babalawo and their differences
  • Cowry shells (the messenger)
  • How to communicate with the orixas through the cowry shells


To have completed the Beginner level

Recording (audio/video) and photographs are strictly forbidden

Location: Church of Candomble
Duration: 3 hours
A 15 minute break will be given

Dress code: Men must wear light coloured trousers, light coloured shirts (tracksuits are not permitted); women must wear long skirts, light in colour (see-through blouses are not permitted)

Traditional English tea will be served at the end of the course. A certificate stating you attended the course will be issued.

The course will be held in Portuguese or English, depending on the class. Limited spaces.

Level 1

1- Candomble Angola

  • Its origins and distinctions
  • Nations
  • Angola/Ketu (regions)

2- Candomble Angola in England

  • How it’s worshipped in England (adaptations)
  • How it differs from Candomble in Brazil
  • Orixas, adaptations made in England (climate, region)
  • Characteristics of the orixas
  • Music, parties and clothing of each orixa
  • Elements of each orixa
  • Entities of Candomble Angola: Exu, Boaideiro, Baiano, Bombagira, Eres
  • How to become a Babalorixa/Yalorixa
  • Hierarchy and its obligations
  • Cowry shell reading (a guide on doubts and decisions to be made)



To have completed Level 1

Recording (audio/video) and photographs are strictly forbidden

Location: Church of Candomble
Duration: 3 hours
A 15 minute break will be given

Dress code: Men must wear light coloured trousers, light coloured shirts (tracksuits are not permitted); women must wear long skirts, light in colour (see-through blouses are not permitted)

Traditional English tea will be served at the end of the course. A certificate stating you attended the course will be issued.

The course will be held in Portuguese or English, depending on the class.
Limited spaces.

Level 2

1- Candomble Nations

  • Angola (Nago and Gege)
  • Ketu
  • Batuque
  • Candomble Caboclo

2- Candomble Angola

  • Leaves, foods (adaptations)
  • Orixas
  • Bori (Initiation)
  • Feitura de santo or rebirth (Brazil and England)

3- Offerings and rituals

4- Orixas and their different characteristics (half/half = mege)

5- Entities X Trance

  • Exu -Bombagira
  • Eres – Boiadeiro – Baiano

6- Obligations

  • Babalorixa/Yalorixa
  • Hierachies within Candomble

7- Cowry shells

  • Important decisions in the terreiro (Church of Candomble)
